Innovator Experience Design

Generating Consistent and Repeatable Returns on Innovation Investment

Applying a Human-centred Lens to Innovation

When addressing Innovation inefficiency (not to be confused with ‘failure’, which is to be welcomed and learned from) many organisations, practitioners and entrepreneurs focus on the funnel of ideas, and look to optimise the process to take ideas and propositions through stages of validation, launch and investment.

But this is only half of the picture.

It’s time to put the People who conduct Innovation at the heart of your activity. 

Much like the improvements in outcomes that have been seen through the application of customer experience (CX), user experience (UX) and employee experience (EX), the same can be realised for innovation.

Innovator Experience (IX) involves applying a persona-led, human- centric approach to the Innovation Pathway.

Organisations that are able to see Innovation through the eyes of those who innovate — or enable innovation to happen — can access new perspectives on barriers to success and causes of inefficiencies.

IX shifts the perspective to the real heroes of innovation, and dedicates itself to smoothing the journey and removing blockers to conducting innovation, thereby smoothing the pathway to making ideas happen. source

What you will find

Key Insights

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